Deutsch-Japanischer Summit Mobile Roboter
1st German-Japanese Summit on Mobile Robots & Autonomous Systems
22nd April 2008 (Tue) 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Hall 25 Room “Am Hermesturm“ HANNOVER MESSE 2008
10:00 Greeting Addresses
Prof. Minoru Asada, Professor Adaptive Machine Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan and Research Director, JST ERATO Asada Synergistic Intelligence Project | Fotos
Prof. Thomas Christaller, Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS), Germany | Fotos
10:30 Key Notes
Prof. Frank Kirchner, Head of Robotics Research Group, German Research Center for Artiicial Intelligence DFKI, Germany, “AI Methods in Mobile Autonomous Systems – Water Land and Space“ | Fotos
Dr. Takanori Shibata, Senior Research Scientist, AIST Intelligent Systems Research Institute, Japan, “The Role of Service Robots in an Ageing Society“ | Fotos
11:30 Panel Discussion
11:50 Mobile robots for home and health care use
Martin Hägele, Head of Robotic Systems Dept., Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, Germany, “The Care-o-Bot“ | Fotos
Dr. Osamu Matsumoto, Senior Research Scientist, AIST Intelligent Systems Research Institute, Japan, “Intelligent Wheelchairs and light-weight Personal Vehicles” | Fotos
Panel Discussion
12:40 break
13:00 Mobile robots for public use
Prof. Arno Ruckelshausen, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany, “Autonomous Field Robots in Agriculture“ | Fotos
Dr. Hajime Aoyama, General Manager, Clean Robot Dept., Strategy Development Div., Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan, “Building Cleaning Robot System“ | Fotos
Dr. Andreas Bley, Managing Director, MetraLabs GmbH, Germany, “Mobile Robots in the Retail Business“ | Fotos
Justus Hortig, Business Unit Robotic Systems, Fraunhofer Institute Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Germany, “Service Robots for non-accessible areas“ | Fotos
14:30 End, get together